High rate discharge lithium polymer battery

    Click:1530   2021-10-26

    Discharge current C rating describes how quickly a battery can be discharged.
    A 3000mAh Lithium polymer battery with C rating of 1C continuous would mean it should not be discharged any faster than 3000mA (3A), which would take one hour. A 2000mAh pack rated for 5C continuous would be able to discharge at 5 times its capacity (5 x 3000mA = 15000mA or 15A) at which rate it would discharge in 1/5th of an hour. Using a pack with a higher C rating than you require will leave some room for safety, and extend the life of your lithium polymer battery.

    Continuous Current
    If you know how much continuous current will be drawn and the capacity of the pack you want to use, you can easily determine what C rating you require. If you are drawing 5A from a 2000mAh pack, simply take the current and divide by the capacity: 5A = 5000mA, 5000mA / 2000mAh = 2.5C.
    Burst Current
    Lithium polymer battery is also given a C rating in terms of burst, which is how quickly the battery is able to discharge for a short time. A burst rating of 10C would mean a 3000mAh battery could supply 10 x 3000mA = 30000mA or 30A for a few seconds.
    To select the Best lithium polymer battery for your RC helicopter
    To select a battery for your RC helicopter, you first need to know what voltage you require and how much current you will be drawing continuously. If the motor in your RC helicopter is rated to work with 14.8V, you would need a 4 cell battery. If you need to draw 10A, and you would like your RC helicopter to have a 10 minute (1/6th of an hour = 6C) flight, you would need a battery with 10A / 6 = 1.7A = 1700mAh. This means you would need to put a 3s 1700mAh battery with a C rating of 6 or higher in your RC helicopter.

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